Hello Stranger!


It's been quite a while, 4 weeks since I had my carpal tunnel surgery and I guess it's about time I start typing with my right hand again.  I'm still recovering, at 2.5 weeks the dr. released me (he was going on vacation) and told me to start using my hand.  Unfortunately, I used it a bit much and split the area open--OUCH!  It's not healing quite the way  it should be but it is slowly getting better.  I'm ready to be healed and using my hand freely.  Yes, I am a huge whiner!

CPE has been very good.  During my first overnight at the hospital there were 3 deaths, 4 code alerts, and 2 calls from families that wanted to talk with a chaplain.  I took my first break at 3am (I started at 4:30pm).  It was insane and it took me several days to recover from the lack of sleep.  The powers that be assure me that my first night was not the norm.  I hope that when I go in this coming Friday night things will be much slower!

I hope to be back and blogging a bit more regularly.
Peace out!


Terri said…
ouch! sounds painful, the wrist thing....and your first night of CPE was not the norm, but obviously it does happen...you'll gain a lot from CPE.

Glad you are back and getting healthy, too.
God_Guurrlll said…

Golly, you are bringing back memories of my chaplaining days.

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