Friday 5: Don't Stand So Close to Me Edition

Songbird writes: 

You see, in high school, I had a crush on my Chorus teacher. He was a young guy, and he had gone to college with some cousins of mine, and over the summer between 9th and 10th grade, we ran into each other at a series of pre-wedding parties, and I fell DEEPLY in like.  You?

1) Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?

I've always crushed  on teachers and professors.  In 1st grade I crushed on my teacher, Mrs. Fry.  I absolutely loved her and everything about her.  In 6th thru 8th grades I crushed on her brother Mr. Fry (no joke! it's a small world, especially in KS) as we learned history from him.  In high school I developed a major crush on Mr. Pappas who taught Psychology.  Then my freshman year of college I heavily crushed on my English professor--Mark.  I shared my poetry with him and he took an interest in my writing.  We went to dinner a few times and talked about writing, he took me under his wing.  I thought it was more but I was so wrong.  We stayed in contact for a few years.  I  still get excited when I see one of his books for sale.  Sometimes I think it would be hilarious to tell him that I'm a pastor now--if he would remember me.
2) Who was your first crush?
Gary Gutsch
3) Have you ever given a gift to a crush?
Yeah, Shawn Hamlin--8th grade.  I brought a helium balloon that said, "Somebunny Loves You," and tied it to his locker.  It was awful, he was embarrassed and therefore really mean about the whole thing.  Looking back I understand, but it sure sucked back then!
4) Do you have a celebrity crush? (Around my house we call them TV boyfriends and girlfriends...)

Dr. Calliope Torres from Grey's Anatomy!  This year she has further endeared herself to me.  I so totally love her!  And she is a total hottie!

There is also my long standing crush on Henry Rollins who I recently discovered plays on Sons of Anarchy!  I'm so glad to see him, even if it is without his tattoos!

I also gave him daisies at one of his spoken word events!
5) Have you ever been surprised to find yourself the crushee?
Yes, it was a pretty sweet feeling. (sweet as in gentle and adorable)


Di McCullough said…
Eek. Middle school can be rough.

(Oddly, I had an English teacher named Mr. Pappas... strange.)
Unknown said…
I don't know your male crush, but he's cute!
angela said…
I love hearing about your teachers--the sister and brother in particular. Cool. Very open are you to discuss it--I thought only a few people had these things. What a way to find out we are all a bit more normal than we thought. Smile.
Terri said…
aaahhh...the sweet...

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