Friday 5: Don't Stand So Close to Me Edition
Songbird writes:
You see, in high school, I had a crush on my Chorus teacher. He was a young guy, and he had gone to college with some cousins of mine, and over the summer between 9th and 10th grade, we ran into each other at a series of pre-wedding parties, and I fell DEEPLY in like. You?
1) Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?
I've always crushed on teachers and professors. In 1st grade I crushed on my teacher, Mrs. Fry. I absolutely loved her and everything about her. In 6th thru 8th grades I crushed on her brother Mr. Fry (no joke! it's a small world, especially in KS) as we learned history from him. In high school I developed a major crush on Mr. Pappas who taught Psychology. Then my freshman year of college I heavily crushed on my English professor--Mark. I shared my poetry with him and he took an interest in my writing. We went to dinner a few times and talked about writing, he took me under his wing. I thought it was more but I was so wrong. We stayed in contact for a few years. I still get excited when I see one of his books for sale. Sometimes I think it would be hilarious to tell him that I'm a pastor now--if he would remember me.
2) Who was your first crush?
Gary Gutsch
3) Have you ever given a gift to a crush?
I also gave him daisies at one of his spoken word events!
You see, in high school, I had a crush on my Chorus teacher. He was a young guy, and he had gone to college with some cousins of mine, and over the summer between 9th and 10th grade, we ran into each other at a series of pre-wedding parties, and I fell DEEPLY in like. You?
1) Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?
I've always crushed on teachers and professors. In 1st grade I crushed on my teacher, Mrs. Fry. I absolutely loved her and everything about her. In 6th thru 8th grades I crushed on her brother Mr. Fry (no joke! it's a small world, especially in KS) as we learned history from him. In high school I developed a major crush on Mr. Pappas who taught Psychology. Then my freshman year of college I heavily crushed on my English professor--Mark. I shared my poetry with him and he took an interest in my writing. We went to dinner a few times and talked about writing, he took me under his wing. I thought it was more but I was so wrong. We stayed in contact for a few years. I still get excited when I see one of his books for sale. Sometimes I think it would be hilarious to tell him that I'm a pastor now--if he would remember me.
2) Who was your first crush?
Gary Gutsch
3) Have you ever given a gift to a crush?
Yeah, Shawn Hamlin--8th grade. I brought a helium balloon that said, "Somebunny Loves You," and tied it to his locker. It was awful, he was embarrassed and therefore really mean about the whole thing. Looking back I understand, but it sure sucked back then!
Dr. Calliope Torres from Grey's Anatomy! This year she has further endeared herself to me. I so totally love her! And she is a total hottie!
There is also my long standing crush on Henry Rollins who I recently discovered plays on Sons of Anarchy! I'm so glad to see him, even if it is without his tattoos!
There is also my long standing crush on Henry Rollins who I recently discovered plays on Sons of Anarchy! I'm so glad to see him, even if it is without his tattoos!
I also gave him daisies at one of his spoken word events!
5) Have you ever been surprised to find yourself the crushee?
Yes, it was a pretty sweet feeling. (sweet as in gentle and adorable)
(Oddly, I had an English teacher named Mr. Pappas... strange.)