RevGal Friday 5: Family Tree Edition

Daisy Belle Greeve & E. Robert Yockey
1. Do you have any interest in geneaology? 
Yes, I like getting the stories behind birthdates, weddings, and deaths.

2. Which countries did your ancestors come from?
Holland, Germany, Scotland, & England (there are some rumors about American Indian bloodlines but I haven't seen that verified)

3. Who is the farthest back ancestor whose name you know?
Off the top of my head it's my great-grandfather, Casper Yockey (now, my hubby could probably name off someone much further back in my family cuz he's the one who does the research!)

4. Any favorite saints or sinners in the group?
Daisy Belle Yockey--my grandmother who is definately both saint and sinner!

5. What would you want your descendants to remember about you?
I hope to live a life worthy of the names Christian and pastor.  I hope that people can honestly say that I loved like Christ.


1-4 Grace said…
Love your Grandfather's grin!
angela said…
I love the name Daisy Belle Yockey. I want to hear her story--
Jan said…
What a wonderful wedding picture. I don't have any for anyone beyond my parents, which is sad.
Muthah+ said…
You look like your grandma. Got any tats?

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